Khamis, 28 Mei 2009

Nak ke mana tu?

So, where are you going? Inilah masanya untuk menentukan ke mana kau harus pergi.

Vision. What is your vision? And where ever your goal lives, let it be.

Sebab setiap hari kita perlu mencapai our fullest potential.

But let me tell you something scary about your fullest potential.

The day you believe you’ve reach your fullest potential is the day you have not. Why?

Sekali lagi. Jot it down. The day you believe you’ve reach your fullest potential is the day you have not, because you still have today.

You and I know that we can make choices. Pilihan dan keputusan yang kita buat setiap hari, setiap masa, dan setiap saat. Sedangkan pesawat pejuang tercanggih Amerika mampu membuat 150 juta keputusan dalam sesaat. Apatah lagi kita manusia? Kenapa perlu membuat pilihan?

To have a better life, open our life from the worst position.

So, where are you going? What is your vision? Is it big? Are you afraid? Why not?

The only limits we have in our lives are the limits we put on us or ourselves. Remember?

We wanna live a life. With no limits.

Vision. Beyond comprehension.

11 ulasan:

Mrs Nurul berkata...

banyak lagi limitation yang not under our control la...mane ade life with no limit..kadang2 limitation tu memang wujud. perlu ade boundaries..

أكرم حسني berkata...

Ini salah satu penghalang kamu. Kamu.

my name is Ain berkata...

man u kalah. ape perasaan?

*t0iek* berkata...

yup! dan semalam garcia alejandr0 cakap : w0men lives f0r the future.=)

square berkata...

usaha tangga kejayaan.limitations kena ada.

أكرم حسني berkata...

The only limits we have in our lives are the limits we put on us or ourselves. Our mind.

أكرم حسني berkata...

Apa maksud disability? Something that would hinder you to change something, to do something.

What really stops (hinders) you? Your mind. Ya, otak. Pemikiran. Intelek.

The way you see your life and where you are going will determine how successful you will be in life.

Jangan sesekali. Don't ever ask yourself and see what you don’t have. Maka dengan itu, see what you do have, and then say “Okay, this is who and where I am.”

Don't limit yourself to say "If I only have this…, if I only have that…”

You can think about the things you don’t have, but is that really constructive?
No!!! Why?
Because no one can turn back time.

It’s up to you with what you do with today. Your priorities. Your daily agenda. It will determine how successful you are.

Don't put limit in your life.
You guys who want to leave ulasan here, i advice to read from the first post. Tolong jangan Menyindrom Malas Membaca.

square berkata...
Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
square berkata...

aku faham limitations dari segi lain. bukan yang diimposed atas diri sendiri. dah baca pun. sorry kalau tersinggung. internet tersedu-sedu. tadi tak sempat habis ulas.

Max J. Potter berkata...

i'll be richer than jk rowling. richer than her and paolini combined. and i'm working on it.

أكرم حسني berkata...

I'm looking at you, Nani.