Selasa, 3 November 2009

How do I find the plan that is right for me?

1. Take your time. Think quietly about your life up to this point. Take days to think quietly. Take weeks if you need to.

2. Ask yourself in these moments of quiet, "What do I want from this gift called my life?"

3. Don't talk to anyone else for a while, at least until you are certain you know what you think you want. All too often, people neither innocently or aggressively want to impose what they want for you instead of what you want for yourself. The biggest killer of deep inner dreams are your friends and family members who say, "Oh, don't be silly," or "You can't do that," or "What about me?"

Remember Bill Gates was in his 20s when he started with $50,000 and became the richest man in the world with $90 billion. It's a good thing he did not ask too many people for their ideas on what they thought was possible for his life.

4. Call a financial advisor. All investment plans begin with a financial plan. If you do not like what the financial advisor says, find another one. You would ask for a second opinion for a medical problem, so why not ask for many opinions for financial challenges? Financial advisors come in many forms. Choose an advisor equipped to assist you in developing a written financial plan.

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